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Poems by Ningthoujam Somola Devi

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 Poems by Ningthoujam Somola Devi

1. The Meeting
Only in dreams
we meet
Only in dreams
you tease me
How do I identify you in the crowd
Aren't you tired of fooling around
Or is it because it's not your time yet
To make the entrance
Or have you gone already
Between your entrance and your Exit
Let's do meet up
But be real, be yourself without a " Mask"
And together we shall unmask
The mystery of our lives.

2. I own my Wings
I am my own wings
To reach the sky
Not to be dragged on
Like you own my path
I own my heart
It can love
And tread to the ground it wills
You don't own my wings.

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